Cheddar Woods landscape matures thanks to Wyevale Nurseries
Wyevale Nurseries in Hereford started worked at Cheddar Woods Holiday Park in 2013 and the site demonstrates how a brand-new holiday park landscape can mature over time with the correct plants and design to seem like a natural looking scene.
Andy Congera, Amenity and Landscape Sales Manager at Wyevale Nurseries, explained: “The remit for Cheddar Woods Holiday Park was to create an instant mature and colourful holiday landscape sympathetically integrated in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. We were working from scratch with the Lead Landscape Architect, Stephanie Turner from ADP Worcester to produce a natural looking landscape.
“Our team had to contract grow to budget and time frame schedules and supply and fulfil the design brief. For instant colour for distinct focal points such as the reception area and around signage at the park we used architectural specimen phormiums, grasses, verbena and rudbeckia.
“We used lavender around the approach roads and Prunus Lusitanica Portugese Laurel as boundary hedging. Semi mature pines and advanced extra heavy trees such as oak, hornbeam, birch and alder were individually selected by Stephanie to provide structure, focal points, privacy and also to attract native wildlife.
“Cheddar Woods Holiday Park were extremely pleased with the instant outcome and the site looks even more stunning since the initial planting as the plants have matured. We have continued to maintain the landscape and supply the holiday park.”
As well as supplying the plants and trees to Cheddar Woods Holiday Park, in the 2016 and 2017 season, Wyevale Nurseries were also contracted to supply its British grown products to Chesil Vista Holiday Park in Weymouth, Whitecliff Bay Holiday Park on the Isle of Wight and Thornless Bay Holiday Park near Cowes.
Wyevale Nurseries supplied six semi mature Carpinus betulus (hornbeam) as key focal point feature trees and mixed native young hedging and specimen laurels to Chesil Vista Holiday Park.
Paul Evans from the Waterside Holiday Group Ltd, who owns Chesil Vista Holiday Park, added: “We were thrilled with all of the plants and trees - especially the largest hornbeams, which are absolutely beautiful.”
Wyevale Nurseries has more than 20 years’ experience of managing the growing, selection, and despatch of large volume and scarce specialist stock, which require specific growing conditions and handling.
Andy added: “Holiday Parks are challenging sites and the landscapes require specialist and experienced management both in growing and specialist handling of very large volume plant supply. We offer professional advice on establishing key suitable landscape features and interest, whether the holiday park is looking for seaside suitable plants, wildlife-friendly options, easy maintenance hedging or items which aid as wind breaks, we can advise on all.”
From the parks and contractors purchasing direct, or the landscape architects specifying directly key service criteria Wyevale Nurseries’ offers a ‘go to’ specialist account manager with the ability to respond to last minute changes in delivery schedules and specification and design to very changeable site conditions.
For further details about Wyevale Nurseries, please call 01432 845 200 or visit www.wyevalenurseries.co.uk.